The story of
Pocket Prayer Book
In Holly’s words:
Back in the early 2000’s I was involved I a spiritual group in Boulder, CO. We met every couple of weeks. This group, unbeknownst to me, helped anchor the spiritual awakening I was in the middle of. It was chaos back then, emotional turmoil and drama.
Somehow, amid my tight-grip on my ego and my ego’s tight-grip on resistance, I started hearing things. And by things, I mean voices. It wasn’t like the voices I heard my whole life. Those were either random comments, my name being called, or the sound of a busy train station. The new voice was clear, direct, and accurate. People would ask questions and I would tell them what the voices said. It was amazing.
Not easy, but amazing. I had to learn how to use this new tool, and that took some engineering. My ethereal team of being began answering my needs with poetic words. Healing words. Phrases and prose that struck me so much that I began writing.
I wrote the Discord Prayer. As soon as I could channel, people began asking me questions. The answers came through in voices and verbiage from another time, and certainly above my communication level. I wrote more.
At that time, I would print the prayers for people. It wasn’t as common to email things back then. I felt that the words belonged to Spirit, so I passed them along. But they were piling up, accumulating. Ten, twenty, thirty and wow! Let’s put these into a little book. So I did.
Around 2006, I think. I printed it on an (now old) Apple laser printer, then had a print shop print the covers and staple them. At a healing arts show, where I was doing readings, a few sold. Then a few more. I printed more.
This went on over a few years and the prayers numbered forty something by then, so I had my local print shop take over the printing. I would call the shop and say, “Hey, I need 50 more please.” They knew me by then.
At one point, I added a paragraph about each paragraph. That went on for a year or so, but then I decided that my writing was from ego, so I nixed me from the ‘great spiritual words’. A client had a little talk with me. She said, “We need more. We need the bridge.”
So I wrote more. And more… But now we are into the story of Divine Accordance.
Now the Pocket Prayer Book is available thru Amazon and in stores. The fresh version has a new cover, less typos and an index. My heart swells with gratitude for all the human angels that have loved and purchased PPB.
It’s been an amazing, wonderful, fulfilling and healing journey. I had to release self-doubt and honor my gifts. This little book has the energy of so many people, and I love them all so much!
Thank you for reading my story.
May your spiritual road by a wonderful journey and evolution of love- hb